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9 ways to make your home more attractive to buyers

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Everyone wants to sell their home quickly and for top dollar. We’ve compiled 9 of the best tips and tricks on how to do it!

  1. First impressions are everything. The first thing that buyers will see is the front of your house. Make sure the lawn is mowed, trees and bushes are landscaped, and debris is cleared up from the walkway. Make sure your welcome mat isn’t covered in dirt and debris and buy a new, fresh one if necessary. For an extra touch, add in some flower pots to spruce things up and make your home look more cheery and inviting.

  2. Make sure that the entryway to your house is clean and open. No shoes, umbrellas, or coat hangers in the way. An open and inviting entryway is important and sets the stage for the rest of the showing.

  3. Maximize the lighting in your home and capitalize on your natural lighting. Open all the curtains and blinds, clean the windows, and change light bulbs and lamp shades where necessary. You want your home to look as bright and cheery as possible!

  4. Take out personal items. This means taking down pictures on the refrigerator, taking personal items off the bathroom counter, and anything else that makes your home, yours. You want every space looking as neutral as possible to help buyers see it as a clean slate that they could potentially make their own.

  5. Fix Pet issues! If there are pet stains on the carpet, make sure those are removed. Make sure that your house does not smell like your pets or like a litter box. Buy some air fresheners or febreeze and ensure that every room is smelling nice!

  6. Fix up your kitchen! The kitchen is usually at the top of the list for buyer appeal so it should be in tip top shape. Make sure to fix any broken cabinets, countertop stains, etc. and ensure that it is as clean, tidy, and neat as possible.

  7. Make sure your backyard looks like an outdoor oasis. Outdoor space is one of the second biggest selling points in a home. Make sure the lawn is mowed, plants are landscaped, pick up any debris, toys, junk, etc. Play up any amenities you may have such as a pool, deck, or hottub.

  8. Fix the little things. For example, a broken doorknob, a paint chip, a cracked tile, etc. This can go a long way in ensuring the buyer has a positive impression of your home.

  9. Bonus Tip! Make your closets and storage spaces look more spacious by taking out several of your things and making sure the rest is tidy. Every buyer wants more storage space! This could be a great selling point.

Thanks for reading! Check out our social media to get more tips and to see the latest market updates!

Monica Trepany